At last! Snow! We knew it would fall one day, although I'll admit I was enjoying the omission until Friday morning's windstorm brought a flurry of flakes into the region. Winter is right around the corner with snow, ice and freezing temperatures. It's time to make another seasonal wardrobe change and pull out those woolen sweaters and socks, those down coats, hats and gloves that have been stowed away in the back of the cellar for the past eight months.
And wouldn't it be nice to spice up that wintery uniform with some creative designer fun? The glover, Thomasine Barnekow (link) has a lovely collection of gloves in delightful colors and a variety of styles to help you keep the chic on Paris streets this season.
A selection of gloves designed by Thomasine Barnekow. See her website for more examples |
Born and raised in Sweden, Thomasine has called Paris her home for the past few years. You may have seen her creations recently at Printemps or in the ballet Sous Apparence last November.
On December 13, Sweden's luminous holiday honoring Saint Lucia, the Manufacture Prelle is hosting a special private sale in their showroom on the prestigious Place des Victoires.
Come try on and fall in love with Thomasine's creations, enjoy some Swedish pastries, and discover Prelle's new exhibition : Le japonisme dans les soieries lyonnaises link (I'll write more on this event later).
Hope to see you there!
Thomasine Barnekow at the Manufacture Prelle
Thursday, December 13, 2012
10am - 7pm
At the Prelle showroom:
5 Place des Victoires
Paris 1er
tel 01 42 36 67 21
email paris @
Exhibition Japonisme et exotismes dans les soieries lyonnaises
November 29, 2012 - March 29, 2013
Monday through Thursday : 9am - 6pm
Friday : 9am - 5pm